This is the greatest little program to track your finances. You are able to estimate how much money you will have at any given time and make appropriate adjustments. I had to repurchase it for $3.00 or so but I would gladly pay $30.00 because the program doesn't want to pay your bill for you. It needs to be updated to work better with Android 12.
Great little cash flow app, still working for me even if it's had no updates for 5 years
I have been searching for a cashflow app like this for a while. Thankyou. I like that we can have a few accounts but wish that the budget isn't based on the sum of all accounts. One other request...Could you add 'Transactions' to the options menu. An alphabetical list of all entered reoccurring transactions would be great for finding and editing purposes. Using this on a Note 4.
Hands down the best cashflow app. Excellent for managing cash and multiple accounts without having to connect to financial institutions.
Very dependable and easy to use.
Used this on mororola dorid razr m, lg optimus f6 galaxy s3 s4 no issues great app used both free and paid version A+++
Love the app
Would be awesome if after deleting an item would return to the same screen instead of going back to top.
On my Droid Razr, the app locks uo after i enter my balance and one recipt. Will change rating once this is rectified.